Saturday, November 24, 2012

Soft Landing

Initial thoughts as we started our descent into Seoul's Incheon airport:

1) The Koreans must either be really, really good at golf or really, really terrible, because there sure are a lot of golf courses.

2) The air is a little, hmm, how shall I call it, soupy? (aka polluted)

3)  Whoo-weee, that is some kick-ass bridge!

Incheon Bridge under soupy air

Then we have our luggage and our index fingers scanned and face photographed and we are through the gates and there is Donny, looking spendiferous in a shiny trench coat with fur collar and cuffs and a flat chap, and we are hugging and so happy to see each other again.

The transit system gets us most of the way to their place in Incheon, a taxi takes us the rest, even the scary steep hill at the end, and there is Grace, stirring a large pot of fragrant red mulled wine, and we are hugging and so happy to see each other again.

No member of royalty or political faction ever received as warm a welcome into a new country!

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